CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY- Some 1,500 jobs is said to be available at SM CDO Downtown Premier. This is according to a SunStar article dated August 25 last year. The shopping mall, which will be having a GFA of 152,000 square meters, will be the largest mall and SM branch in Mindanao after its opening.

The mall is set to bring more upscale shops and international brands with at least six cinemas including the first iMax theater in the city. According to Corazon Guidote, senior vice president of the SM Investors Corporation, a Premier mall is superior to that of the other SM malls and it will not only be expected to cater the common consumer but will also be the hub of affluent buyers. As for SM CDO Premier, it is expected to cater Northern Mindanao.

Accordingly, 370,000 people were employed in SM Prime’s 60 shopping malls as of the end of 2016.

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Screenshot credit to Project Lupad.

Biggest mall in Mindanao to generate some 1,500 jobs
January 19th 2017 4 am

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY- Some 1,500 jobs is said to be available at SM CDO Downtown Premier. This is according to a SunStar article dated August 25 last year. The shopping mall, which will be having a GFA of 152,000 square meters, will be the largest mall and SM branch in Mindanao after its opening.

The mall is set to bring more upscale shops and international brands with at least six cinemas including the first iMax theater in the city. According to Corazon Guidote, senior vice president of the SM Investors Corporation, a Premier mall is superior to that of the other SM malls and it will not only be expected to cater the common consumer but will also be the hub of affluent buyers. As for SM CDO Premier, it is expected to cater Northern Mindanao.

Accordingly, 370,000 people were employed in SM Prime’s 60 shopping malls as of the end of 2016.

Read news source HERE.

Screenshot credit to Project Lupad.
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