Netizens expressed support for Iligan-based Super 5 Transport as news came out regarding the company’s plan to compete in the Cagayan de Oro – Pagadian transportation market.

On January 15, Mindanao Economic Boom (MEB) published a report by its editor Lelouch Lamperouge about the said plan. The post reached more than 20,000 netizens, and it was even shared in news groups in Facebook.

It can be noticed that netizens poured out their support for the plan, lamenting over Rural Transit’s fare rate in Western Mindanao routes.

Rural Transit currently holds the bus transport market in the region.

Several even complained about Rural’s sluggish busses due to lack of competing bus companies.

The netizens asks others for supporting Super 5 Transport.

Super 5 Transport Gets Netizens’ Support To Avenge Rural’s Fare Rate
January 18th 2018 6 am

Netizens expressed support for Iligan-based Super 5 Transport as news came out regarding the company’s plan to compete in the Cagayan de Oro – Pagadian transportation market.

On January 15, Mindanao Economic Boom (MEB) published a report by its editor Lelouch Lamperouge about the said plan. The post reached more than 20,000 netizens, and it was even shared in news groups in Facebook.

It can be noticed that netizens poured out their support for the plan, lamenting over Rural Transit’s fare rate in Western Mindanao routes.

Rural Transit currently holds the bus transport market in the region.

Several even complained about Rural’s sluggish busses due to lack of competing bus companies.

The netizens asks others for supporting Super 5 Transport.

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