Mindanao will be divided into two states – the Mindanao State and Bangsamoro State – in a recent proposal made by a subcommittee of the House of Representatives today, January 16.

Under the new proposal, the Federal Republic of the Philippines will have five states, namely, Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, the Bangsamoro and Metro Manila.

The proposal was discussed during Tuesday's hearing of the panel, which is tasked to review several provisions of the 1987 Constitution and come up with new Articles on Federal and Regional Powers and Number of States. ERWIN COLCOL | GMA NEWS

Each state is expected have its own constitution, name, capital, flag, anthem and seal, GMA news reported.

It can be recalled that in 2008, senator Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. proposed Joint Resolution No. 10 seeking to adopt a federal presidential bicameral form of government.

Under the said proposal, there will be 12 states in all, three in Mindanao. Revisions had been made in 2016 to propose Western Mindanao as a separate state to be headed by Zamboanga City.

Under the new proposal, the Federal Republic of the Philippines will have five states, namely, Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, the Bangsamoro and Metro Manila.

As a mayor of Davao City for 22 years, Duterte has said his experience as a local government official in Mindanao has given him the insight to propose federalism, Rappler reported.

"Nothing short of a federal structure can give peace in Mindanao." PRESIDENT ROGRIGO DUTERTE

In 2008, senator Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. proposed Joint Resolution No. 10, which would revise the current 1987 constitution and have created eleven autonomous regions out of the Philippine Republic, establishing eleven centers of finance and development in the archipelago. Originally, three states for Mindanao were being proposed. In 2016, it was revised and Western Mindanao State had been created.



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